I Created a Fake Event On My Blog


This was a little assignment I for my Digital and Social Media Marketing course last semester. Instead of creating a new site from scratch, I opted to use my existing Squarespace site for it… which is precisely why I need to take all this content down now, due to the page limit. I was pretty proud of how it turned out, so I wanted to keep its soul alive in the digital afterlife - what better way than to blog about it, right?

The Landing Page

Disclaimer: everything is FAKE, because it is a FAKE event that was birthed out of my mind, but sadly did not live long enough to see the day. But how powerful would this speaker line-up be if it were real? A girl can dream…


Blog Posts

This was the main focus of the assignment, each post with different “questions” we needed to answer about our event: i) target market selection and analysis, ii) guest speakers selection, iii) SEO optimization (some good, simple content here tbh!), and iv) social media marketing tactics.

Lifestyle, OtherThiaComment